Derek Bailey's Improvisation doc for the BBC (checks the book if you haven't! - this has been up here for a while, as well as the Greenaway below...)

Music With Its Roots in the Aether by Robert Ashley. This is newly added and totally unbelievable. Only the Landscapes are here, which is only half the piece (1 hour Landscape interviews, 1 hour performances...). Ashley milks a goat with Terry Riley, overlooks SF bay with David Behrman, and tells Phil Glass how kids seem a little bit like aliens to him! Yes!

Four Composers by Peter Greenaway. This was something we watched in school: Cage being awesome, Ashley doing "Perfect Lives", Meredith Monk doing "Dolmen Music", and P. Glass slow mo headbang cues, talking about how they'd tour and only their mom would come to the show...

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