Peepin and creepin at DA DOME on Frieday checkin out the Dirty Projector goofballz again, murderous offbeats. Sliders in the Cloak Room. Lookouts by the Loo. CHEVOU polarized thee kids, but
THE REBEL, the best and most bored in London, who have staggered from the corpse of the COuntry Teaserz, were in classy form. White wine and cheese, kneel muholland drive, please. Kick't wit Joe White Williamz who was unexpectedly up in the mug. THen

After staying up all night to find the beating heart inside of GTA IV's statue of liberty

we took a quick day-trip planes, trains and automobiles style to Oslo, Norway to play in the lawn outside of Spasibar. Amazing!! Spasibar is tripper, with 3D table cloths and a glass chamber full of beanie babies, loving created by a group of wild Norskis that're immortalized by a giant portrait made out of tiny plastic beads that took six months to bust.

Outside Jason rode a cube of crushed bicycles into the King's palace as a beautiful day turned into a warm night

and we played our best set yet, followed by table tennis and dancing to the world beat treasures of DJ Sysiphus, who also runs premier Norwegian label Metronomicon. Unfathomably deep Turkish hip hop and Balkan glitch bombs... melted our American gourds. Jikes the sauce was boiling! Now we are back at Tippex Towers in London and another kind of sauce is boiling, but we are busy doing stunt jumps.